




Dr. 主席一. 赛义德

If you are excited about exploring innovative solutions to the challenges faced by contemporary organizations, YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. 我们提供潜在的管理人员, entrepreneurship, 和 hospitality graduates a transformational experience that prepares them to design, implement, 和 monitor business processes 和 structures for competitiveness.

Our world-class faculty offer a wide range of 项目 including specializations in general management, entrepreneurship, 和 hospitality. 如果你对更短的感兴趣 versions of the experience, you may find minors 和 certificates in these areas, business fundamentals, human resource management, operations & 供应链,音乐和 娱乐业更适合. If you are interested in a deeper dive, please 联系The Leven School levenschool@肯尼索.edu to be connected with the right faculty member.

Be part of the group that transforms organizations through business development 和 创新.

Dr. 主席一. 赛义德
迈克尔一个. 利文学院 管理, 创业 和 热情好客


摩根·丹尼斯·琼斯:  "It has been an honor to serve as an ambassador for the Micheal A. 利文学院 管理、创业 & 热情好客. 我在……方面积累了很多知识 how to help students, 和 I also want to thank the faculty that has helped plan the 事件. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity!"

布鲁克林考克斯:  "I am incredibly honored to be a Leven School Ambassador. This is such an incredible program to be a part of. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to make the Leven School, 科尔斯学院, 和 正规博彩十大网站排名 a better place for myself 和 fellow students. 去猫头鹰!"

Libna Amaro:  “I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve on the Leven School Advisory Board! 作为一名学生, it has been a privilege to take part in impactful 事件 和 be a part of a college that truly values the student voice.”


Join our esteemed group of 11所学校大使 和 become a driving force in shaping the future of our 项目, 事件, 和 initiatives. 作为大使,你会 serve as a proactive student focus group, providing constructive feedback to enhance the student experience within the Leven School community.


  • 每学期参加两次会议.
  • Provide valuable feedback on 项目, 事件, 和 initiatives.
  • Play a pivotal role in organizing 和 attending our signature 校友 Panel 事件 每年秋天和春天举行.
  • Contribute to the planning 和 execution of other value-added 事件 within the school.


  • Gain h和s-on experience in leadership 和 community engagement.
  • Receive letters of recommendation for employment 和 graduate school applications.
  • Enhance your resume by listing your membership in this prestigious program.
  • Access exclusive 11所学校大使 swag to proudly represent our special group.
  • Exclusive engagement with 校友 和 idustry professionals at 事件.

Join us in making a difference while also enjoying the perks 和 recognition that come with being a part of the 11所学校大使 program. 迈出第一步 towards becoming a leader in our community!

欲了解更多信息或申请,请联系 levenschool@肯尼索.edu.

Pictured from left to right: 摩根·丹尼斯·琼斯, 布鲁克林考克斯, 和 Libna Amaro
Pictured from left to right: 摩根·丹尼斯·琼斯, 布鲁克林考克斯, 和 Libna Amaro

关于团体、实习、 & 网络


We prepare our students to enter the highly competitive global market with confidence, 和 develop future leaders who can successfully manage small, medium, 和 large organizations 世界上任何地方. We are known for high quality, contemporary, 和 applied courses in organizational behavior, human resources, supply chain management, family business, 创业与综合管理.

宣传册 两年暂定课程时间表


  • 应用我们的管理研究

    In addition to teaching, our faculty pursues research that can be applied to the challenges organizations face every day 和 impact how business functions:

    • 最大化员工绩效
    • 开发员工潜能
    • 改进业务流程
    • Addressing the unique challenges of family businesses
    • 并购导航





"业务 management made me very well rounded. 世界靠商业运转. 这是一个 好地方!"


迈克尔一个. 11项学校活动

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