Career and Academic Opportunities

The Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication (TCOM) provides students a hands-on approach to becoming a professional in the field of technical communication. The program's emphasis on digital environments means graduates can work as technical content developers, visual information designers, technical writers, user experience researchers, grant writers and digital accessibility specialists. The goal of the program is to create students who can easily adapt information so audiences can understand new concepts and complex ideas. The program’s approach to technical communication merges technical knowledge and information design with an ultimate focus on understanding your audience. Students will take classes in introductory and advanced technical communication, 用户研究, front-end development, 视觉设计.

The Master of Arts in Professional Writing (MAPW) program provides opportunities for students to engage in a number of writing-intensive fields, 包括电影, 教育, 出版, 业务, and the literary arts. The TCOM>MAPW 双猫头鹰 program provides opportunities for high-performing students to pursue graduate coursework that will be meaningful and impactful for their undergraduate academic careers and encourage consideration of a graduate degree here at 正规博彩十大网站排名 that will align with students’ professional goals. While the MAPW program has three concentrations (Composition/Rhetoric, 创意写作, and 应用写作), our Applied and Technical courses are of specific interest to TCOM students and provide an opportunity to expand study in those disciplines into the graduate level. 此外, many TCOM students will be interested in pursuing creative courses as a supplement to the technical courses they take in their undergraduate program. Students engaged in this 双猫头鹰 pathway will be uniquely prepared for entry into Atlanta’s communication and creative industries by advancing their writing/content-creating, 编辑, and knowledge about the field. Should they decide to apply to the graduate program, they will be better prepared for the rigor of the program.

Graduate Program Information

Salary and Career Information

Student standing near desk

Admission Requirements

双猫头鹰 Admission Requirements 
  • Minimum 正规博彩十大网站排名 GPA of 3.00
  • Completed 60 hours
  • Completed 18 hours at 正规博彩十大网站排名
  • Have at least 9 related studies courses left to take in the program
  • Need to be a Technical Communication major.

Double Counted Courses

The MAPW is a concentration-based program, with concentrations in 创意写作, 应用写作, or Composition and Rhetoric. Students may either take all three Double Owl courses in their preferred concentration or select courses from multiple concentrations. Recommended courses from each concentration include:


  • STVW 6490:Screenwriting I
  • PRWR 6460:Fiction Writing I
  • PRWR 6470:Poetry Writing I
  • PRWR 6480:Playwriting I
  • PRWR 6520:Creative Nonfiction Writing I 


  • PRWR 6240:Technical Writing
  • 6255年PRWR:格兰特 & 建议写
  • PRWR 6410:Feature Writing
  • PRWR 6440:Professional and Academic Editing
  • PRWR 6570:Writing for Social Media
  • PRWR 6800:Careers in Professional Writing
  • PRWR 6810:Publishing in the 21st Century
  • PRWR 7810:研究 Methods for Writers 

Composition and Rhetoric

  • PRWR 6150:Rhetorical Theory 
  • PRWR 6500:Composition Theory and Pedagogy 
  • PRWR 6750:Teaching Writing to Speakers of Other Languages 
  • PRWR 6760:World Englishes 
  • PRWR 6860:Intercultural Communication in Context


学习途径 - Effective Fall 2024

Suggested Timeline

Students should apply to this 双猫头鹰 Pathway in the second semester of their sophomore 一年.

Clock that shows 3:00PM


Undergraduate Information

Undergraduate Degree
Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication

Department / College
Technical Communication and Interactive Design / Radow College of Humanities and Social 科学
English Building, Room 284

Dr. Jonathan Arnett, Associate Professor

Graduate Information

Master of Arts in Professional Writing

Department / College
English / Radow College of Humanities and Social 科学
English Building, Room 155D

Dr. Aaron Levy, Graduate Program Coordinator