
The mission of the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity is to promote a greater awareness and understanding of the rules of the student code of conduct and address issues of student academic misconduct and disruption of campus life so that an environment conducive to learning and individual growth can be maintained 在正规博彩十大网站排名.


  • Understanding academic misconduct is vital in the development of strong academic integrity and academic success. The following is an introduction into what is considered cheating and plagiarism at 正规博彩十大网站排名

    观点作弊 & 剽窃
  • All students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures 在正规博彩十大网站排名的行为准则中列出. Here are some FAQ's of what my result from a 违反行为准则.

  • On-campus residents are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Residential Code 的行为. If any Violations of the Residential Code 的行为 occurs the student will be referred to Residence Life and/or SCAI. These are some of the FAQ's in reference to 违反住宅行为准则s.



学生 who have a SC hold most likely have an incomplete or overdue sanction based on a violation of the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Student Codes 的行为. 也有可能你有 been suspended from the university for a violation.

Please check your 正规博彩十大网站排名 电子邮件 for more information. 你会收到一封信的 regarding a hearing, a resolution letter detailing any sanction information, and, if applicable, a letter warning that sanctions are overdue and a SC hold being applied.

If you have a question about your hold or need to know how to remedy the hold, please 电子邮件 脊髓@肯尼索.edu. You may also call 470-578-3403 for further assistance or visit us at our office on the Kennesaw campus, Carmichael Student Center, 2nd Floor, room 274.


This information offers some basic practical advice for students on how to avoid some of the most common types of academic misconduct 在正规博彩十大网站排名, with special emphasis on helping students avoid unintentional offenses.

  • You agreed to follow the Code of Academic Integrity when you became a 正规博彩十大网站排名 student. Make sure you know what you agree to and ask questions if you don’t understand. Once you are determined to have had a reasonable opportunity to know a rule, then you can get in trouble for breaking that rule even if you did so unintentionally.  脊髓.肯尼索.edu
  • If a classmate gives you bad information, 即使是错误的, you could still get in trouble (such as by using notes on a 测试 that isn’t open note). Make sure you understand your instructions.
  • Once your work is in someone else’s hands, you don’t know what they are going to do with it and they might copy without your consent. 先咨询一下你的教授.
  • You can’t always get every assignment done early, so be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. Citations can take time to do correctly, so waiting to the last minute to cite a long paper or project risks errors of sloppiness or desperation. Prioritize what you can afford to let slide and what you need to tackle earlier.
  • The moment you pull out an unapproved electronic device during a quiz, 测试, 或者考试, you are automatically considered cheating even if you’re just checking the time.
  • If your professor can’t tell what words were authored by whom, or can’t track down all the sources you used, 这是剽窃.
  • Remember that it only counts as a paraphrase if you truly put it in your own words and faithfully represent what the source was trying to say.
  • If you want to turn in something you wrote in the past (such as reusing a paper you wrote for another class), get permission from your professor first. 重用没有 许可是自我抄袭.
  • Life happens, and some classes turn out to be harder than expected. If you’re struggling, tell your professor as soon as possible to get the most extra help possible. Professors want to assist students, especially students who are proactive about asking for that help.
  • 人都会犯错. 我们都是人. 正规博彩十大网站排名’s academic misconduct resolution process rewards students who take responsibility for their mistakes with more lenient consequences. You will always get the best outcome by being fully honest.